Design Digest

Your Source for Creative Inspiration and Expert Insights

Color Theory and Psychology

Color theory and psychology was its own module in our graphic and web design education. That’s how important it is in the realm of design. Choosing your brand’s colors has more to it than choosing your favorite colors and running with it. Did you know there’s a psychology behind each color choice? Each color will imply something about your company whether or not that’s what you’re trying to portray.  Why Color Theory and Psychology Matters Next time you’re out, notice that many (most?) fast food restaurants have red and yellow signage. These colors are used to stimulate, bring comfort, and evoke hunger. These colors were chosen deliberately by those companies a long time ago for these specific reasons. “You’re hungry, eat here and you’ll feel all better.” If you’re a massage therapist building your brand, you may want to stay away from stimulating, energizing colors and opt for colors that

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Trusting the Design Process

We have a story about how important it is to trust the design process when you hire a designer. Many clients become discouraged when their designer doesn’t come up with the perfect design on the first try. Remember, though, that we’re not mind readers and will almost never be able to do it on the first try. Embrace that change happens and edits and re-works are common throughout the process.  Change is Hard Whether you’re a startup or are undergoing the massive task of rebranding, change is hard. The road to change is hard, too. And we get it. It is, after all, our job. We understand that the first draft of your new logo/website/marketing materials will never be the final draft. We just need you to understand that, too. These changes will never be an easy hole-in-one. This is especially true when we have very little information up front

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Copyright Infringement

We’re talking about copyright infringement in this blog post. Before we dive in, it’s worth noting that we’re obviously not lawyers, so this is obviously not legal advice.  That being said, we’re also not trying to get ourselves (or you) sued when we’re given an inspiration piece. There’s a huge difference between being inspired by someone else’s design and straight-up copying their design. When someone else’s idea appeals to a client, people ask us to do ‘something just like this’ all the time. However, this opens you up to potential ramifications that can be costly, both with your time and money. At the very least it opens you up to an annoying cease and desist and forces you to redesign.  Inspiration Vs. Copyright Infringement For instance, you can look at a home decor company’s logo and decide it’s perfect for your macrame shop. You love the basic, straight lines forming

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