Why You Need Both NFC Cards and Traditional Business Cards

Near-field communication cards, or NFC cards, are a hot new wave for business marketing.  Using these cards, you can upload your contact information directly to a contact’s phone. The benefits of NFC business cards are almost infinite, which makes them a no-brainer for most business owners. But there are times that a traditional business card is still beneficial! 

Direct vs. Relationship Marketing

To understand the differences between NFC cards and traditional business cards, you must first understand the different types of marketing. Relationship marketing is a strategy of management and marketing that focuses heavily on customer experience, including retention, and satisfaction. Treating a client to lunch while delivering your pitch would fall into the relationship marketing category. You’re not necessarily making a sale right now, but you’re building a relationship with the person you’re talking to. Eventually, they’ll hopefully come to know, like, and trust you down the line. 

Lifetime customers are never made without efforts put into relationship marketing. 

Direct marketing is a strategy that relies on sales pitches to consumers, typically through mail, email, online ads, or text. An ad will land directly in front of the customer but you are not there building a relationship with them. 

Both are commonly used and necessary forms of marketing for any business, no matter their size.


Benefits of NFC Cards

NFC cards are a more sustainable and cost effective alternative to traditional cards. They’re also a convenient and impressive way to share your information with a contact. 

Simply scan the card against the top of a cell phone to upload your contact information and relevant links directly to their contact list. This allows them to easily connect with you, and includes socials and website information. 

Gone are the days of carrying around hundreds of business cards that will be thrown away or lost. Plus, there are no subscriptions or fees to update the information. Your card comes with unlimited scans, meaning you can purchase 1 card at a time and keep it in your wallet to network with forever. 

NFC cards won’t get scuffed or bent because they’re super sturdy – about the weight of a credit card. They come in a variety of finishes and are customizable for a truly branded experience.

In short:

-One card to network with everyone

-Sturdy and durable

-Unlimited scans

-Free to update information (no reprints or new designs required!)

-Customizable finishes for a card that matches your branding

NFC cards fall into relationship marketing because to be useful, you have to be there with the client with your phones out. They add the experience of meeting with you in person and building a personal relationship between yourself and the client.

NFC Card Drawbacks

Unfortunately, NFC cards don’t shine in environments where you’re meeting a lot of people in a short amount of time. You don’t have time at a tradeshow booth to scan your information into every potential contact’s phone. Nor do attendees want that type of contact in a tradeshow environment. 

For the same reason, they’re not great at job fairs or networking events where attendees are quickly grabbing information to look at later. 

Benefits of Traditional Business Cards

Traditional business cards are still handy when you’re not around, but need to be contacted. An assistant or office manager can still hand one out if you have an unexpected drop in. 

They’re also necessary for bulk-marketing efforts. You can’t walk through a crowd scanning each person’s phone with your NFC card. You also can’t show up at peoples’ homes asking to scan their phone.

Examples of direct marketing efforts would be stapling business cards to flyers, sliding into takeaway/goodie bags at tradeshows, or to drop into the business card bowls some restaurants have.

You also can’t scan the phone of someone who is unavailable. If you drop by for a meeting with someone, it’s nice to have a card you can give their office manager (or even to slide under their door) so they know who tried to find them. 

In short:

-Can be handed out to large groups of people at one time

-Great as a leave-behind

-A great addition to direct marketing efforts

Because of all this, traditional business cards can fall under the realm of relationship marketing as well as direct marketing. 

An image of the front of a branded NFC card and an example of the contact page it takes visitors to.

Traditional Business Card Drawbacks

However, traditional business cards do have some drawbacks that NFC cards do not. They can be clunky and inconvenient to carry around and are easy to bend, scuff, or tear. If you’re taking them to a tradeshow, be sure to bring them in a box or protective container. A messed up card that’s clearly been shoved into your pocket for 3 weeks straight has never impressed anyone. 

Paper business cards are also often quickly lost or thrown away before they become useful, whereas a contact in a phone stays put unless intentionally deleted.

The NFC Card/Traditional Card Combo is Where It’s At

There is simply no current alternative that is better than an NFC card in intimate marketing situations. They thrive when you are present and talking to only 1 person (or even a few people) at a time. However, there are instances you benefit from passing a paper card out to large numbers of people at a time, such as a tradeshow or direct marketing flyers. 

By investing in both, you reduce the cost and waste of ordering disposable business cards to hand out in one-on-one meetings or relationship marketing efforts. By conscientiously using a combination of both types of business cards, you can truly get the best of both worlds. 

The Bottom Line

Polarity Design Team is proud to now offer NFC cards to our clients. Our cards come in a variety of metal finishes, 2 wood finishes, and plastic options to suit your branding. Plus, you can get these cards custom designed with your logo, name, or design for a truly impressive and unique networking tool. Let us know if you have questions! 

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