How to Build Brand Trust Every Day

These are tips you can do daily to build brand trust in your company, regardless of size. In today’s market, it’s not enough to just have a good product – today’s consumer wants to support brands they believe in. You need to invest in your brand so people know, trust, and like you and therefore want to support you.

Anyone can utilize these 5 simple tips to keep you top of mind as a trustworthy company that people love and want to support – AND they’re totally free of cost. 

Photo of hands holding a piece of cardboard with "trust" written on it, and overlay text reading "How to Build Brand Trust Every Day"

Tip 1: Transparency Builds Brand Trust

Be honest and transparent about your products and services, business practices, and especially your pricing. Customers appreciate transparency. It helps build trust when you’re not advertising a product for $499, but the actual total at check out is $699 (or, possibly worse, comes with a catch). 

When a customer knows exactly what to expect from you, it tells them they can take what you say at face value. When they don’t always have to wonder what the fine print is, they know they can trust your products and services for what you say they are.

Tip 2: Provide Excellent Customer Service

Snafus happen. It doesn’t matter how quality your products or services are, there will always be a customer who needs support. Respond to customer inquiries promptly and resolve any issues or complaints quickly for a great customer experience. When customers enjoy their interactions with you, they begin to trust you, be more understanding when issues arise, and become loyal customers. 

Customer service doesn’t just revolve around resolving complaints, either! Simply answering your phone and being reachable are great starts to a customer’s relationship with you. 

Tip 3: Social Proof Kickstarts Brand Trust

Have you asked your friends if they had had any experience with a certain product before buying it yourself? What about asking for recommendations? Most people have! When a friend, acquaintance, or coworker recommends a product or service, you’re much more likely to trust that recommendation over one that didn’t receive a recommendation. That’s social proof.

You can provide your own social proof on your website, social media channels, and marketing materials. Glowing customer reviews and testimonials (from real customers!) builds trust that you’re operating a legitimate business, offering quality products, and other people have been happy with you. A good word goes a long way toward brand trust for your company.

Graphic depicting that daily habits result in brand trust

Tip 4: Deliver Quality Every Time

Ensure that your products or services are of high quality and deliver on your promises. Consistently delivering quality will brand trust every time as people decide they want a new product, just based on the quality of past products. 

Delivering quality also ties into providing phenomenal customer service. If there is a problem along the way, do everything in your power to make it right. Customers lose faith in a brand that doesn’t do right by them. 

Tip 5: Consistency Builds Brand Trust

Consistent messaging, branding, and customer experience builds trust, increases referrals (social proof!), boosts sales, and makes you an industry leader. 

Consistency means people know what to expect from you. Brand trust means they’re confident you’ll deliver exactly what you say you’re delivering. If your messaging is all over the place, people will assume you’re unorganized – not an adjective that people trust! Decide on your one angle and stick to it. If that angle needs to change, undergo a full rebrand rather than alternate between the two (or three, or four). 

The Bottom Line

These tips will make you stand out against the sea of competing companies. And, these are 5 tips that don’t cost a fortune in marketing, branding, or promoting. Simply operating your business in a standup way builds brand trust as customers have brushes with your company. Consistency, transparency, social proof, and quality products/service will soon have your company in peoples’ minds as a brand they can trust.

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