Graphic Design and Branding Go Hand in Hand

Graphic design and branding go hand in hand with any intelligent branding strategy. Many people think of their ‘brand’ as a logo, color scheme, and maybe a couple of set fonts. However, incorporating graphic design effectively into your branding strategy significantly impacts how your company is perceived and remembered. 

Why You Need a Graphic Designer to Create Your Branding

There are so many considerations into creating a brand that new business owners simply don’t know to think about. Shape psychology, color psychology, font choice, and logo choice all directly impact what people think about your business, all before you ever say a word. 

A professional graphic designer brings expertise to these design elements. They can ensure you’re saying the right things about your company with your branding package. 

Simply liking something doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a good fit for your company, image, messaging, or overall brand. 

Graphic design and branding come together to create your branding guides, logo, branding collateral, packaging, and website.

Aspects of Graphic Design and Branding

We’ll break down some of the basics of a brand, how they relate to graphic design, and why you need to carefully coordinate your graphic design and branding right from the start. 

From basic branding palettes that include logo, typography, and colors, to brand collateral such as business cards and letterhead, integrating design with your brand is vital to a clear brand identity.


Any company’s  logo is a fundamental element of their visual identity. A well-designed logo should be unique, memorable, and representative of the brand’s values and personality. It should be versatile enough to be applied across various platforms and mediums. A logo is often the first place where any company’s graphic design and branding meet. 

Branding Guide

A branding guide typically consists of logo, colors, typography, design elements, and possibly visual guidelines, depending on how in-depth it is.

A cohesive color palette is essential for brand recognition. Colors evoke emotions and convey messages, so it’s crucial to select colors that align with your brand’s personality and values. Consistently use your chosen colors in all brand materials, including the website, packaging, marketing collateral, and social media. Your designer should be able to use their graphic design and branding expertise to help you incorporate colors that match your overall message.

Typography plays a crucial role in brand communication. Selecting fonts that reflect your brand’s tone and message helps establish consistency and recognition. Typography choices should be legible across different mediums and adaptable for various applications.

Incorporating consistent graphic/design elements, such as patterns, illustrations, or icons, can reinforce your company’s identity and enhance visual appeal. It’s important that these elements align with your brand’s aesthetics and used consistently across all touchpoints.

Establishing clear visual guidelines ensures consistent application of graphic design elements throughout the brand’s materials. These guidelines should cover logo usage, color codes, typography usage, spacing, and any specific rules or restrictions related to your brand’s visual identity.

Brand Collateral

Graphic design is essential in creating various brand collateral, including business cards, letterheads, brochures, and packaging. Consistent use of design elements across these materials helps create a cohesive and professional brand image.


Your company’s website is a critical touchpoint for customers. In fact, it’s likely most consumers’ first interaction with your brand. Incorporating graphic design principles into website design ensures a visually appealing and user-friendly experience. Pay special attention to layout, imagery, typography, color schemes, and overall visual hierarchy. Your graphic design and branding elements all need to be aligned for your website to be effective and ultimately convert customers.

Social Media

Graphic design plays a vital role in creating engaging social media content. Consistent visual branding across social media profiles, cover photos, and posts helps reinforce brand recognition and creates a unified online presence.

Brand Campaigns

Graphic design is integral to creating impactful brand campaigns. Whether it’s a print ad, digital campaign, or outdoor advertising, designing compelling visuals that align with your brand’s messaging and resonate with the target audience is crucial.


For companies with physical products, packaging design is an opportunity to showcase your brand’s personality and create a memorable experience for customers. Thoughtful graphic design on packaging can differentiate the product from competitors and leave a lasting impression.

A top view of branding elements laid out across a table.

Graphic Design and Branding: You Can’t Have One Without the Other

Almost all elements that make up a ‘brand’ (on paper) require graphic design in order to be effective and profitable. A graphic designer can ensure each of these elements of a brand say what you want it to say about your company. A consistent brand is key to creating trust with your target audience. And companies that a consumer can trust ultimately become profitable companies with a wide customer base. 

The Bottom Line

By incorporating graphic design thoughtfully into your branding strategy, you can establish a strong visual identity. This improves brand recognition, and create a cohesive and memorable brand experience for their audience. At Polarity Design Team, our designers are well-versed in creating brand identities that speak to your audience and stands out. Reach out when you’re ready to start.

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