Logo Placement: 20 Great Places to Put Your Logo

Logo placement is a concept that many of our new clients have questions about. They’ve put in the time to get a logo that works for them. They’ve come up with (at least loose) branding for their company. But it grinds to a halt there. They know it needs to be on their business cards, website, socials. Now what? The Key to Effective Logo Placement The key to effective logo placement is to choose locations that make sense for your industry. We...


The Website Hosting and Maintenance Lowdown

An instance we see often: your designer asks you about your hosting and maintenance plans when you commission a website. Hosting and maintenance? What does that even mean? Can’t I just build a website and let it exist? What does hosting mean? Who’s entertaining it? What kind of maintenance could a website possibly need? Hosting and Maintenance Keywords To make this not all sound like absolute gibberish to you, let’s go over some keywords. Domain: Simply put, a domain name (or just 'domain')...