Branding Done Right…From the Start
Let’s discuss the importance of branding done right, right from the start. Rebranding is always a possibility when necessary, but it’s invaluable to avoid it whenever possible. It’s overwhelming and intimidating to new business owners to invest in the brand identity of their business. Logos, websites, signage, company colors and fonts. It’s a lot to consider. It’s a lot to pay for when funds are limited. Many business owners are so eager to get started that their mindset shifts to one of this is good enough for now, I can polish it up later. The Upgrade Later Mindset Sometimes people are pigeonholed out of duty. Their sister-in-law is a freelance designer and they’re obligated to hire her. Except she isn’t educated in the field, she just happened to discover something she was naturally good at. So she delivers a logo made out of clipart that can’t be transferred to anything